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La Brea Update — Why Now?
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La Brea Update

FireThe fire has now burned over 20,500 acres and the isolated ranches in the area have been alerted to the possibility of evacuations, and to give them time to move stock.

Currently there are 23 Engines, 34 Crews, 12 Dozers, 9 Helicopters, and 1,062 Total personnel assigned to the fire, and Tanker 223, a Martin Mars Waterscooping aircraft, will be flying the fire today.

Links: The KEYT La Brea Fire article, the Santa Barbara Independent La Brea Fire page, InciWeb La Brea page with a map, and KSBY has videos.

These are semi-permanent links to pages that are updated constantly, or provide specific links to all of the related stories.


1 cookie jill { 08.11.09 at 5:13 pm }

Would love to go back to the days when smoke wasn’t the ubiquitous “fragrance” on everyone.

2 Bryan { 08.11.09 at 5:44 pm }

Most of the plants used in the manufacture of traditional incense are drought tolerant as they grow around the Arabian peninsula. Just a suggestion for reseeding the burned areas. If they are going to burn, may as well be a pleasant odor.

Too bad there is no money for controlled burns to prevent the out of control wildfires and the erosion that follows.

3 cookie jill { 08.11.09 at 10:25 pm }

actually, we do have control burns…just not alot of them. Alot of the fires go through area that is very dangerous to traverse…extremely hilly, rocky, etc.

Thought you might be interested in this “burn map”

La Brea is in Orange. Gap in Blue. Zaca in Deep Red. Tea in Red. Jesusita in Purple.


That’s a lot of fires. Still some things left to toast. (knocking on wood)
.-= last blog ..Mad City Chickens =-.

4 cookie jill { 08.11.09 at 11:06 pm }

Oh…looks like the Canadians are coming to help…again. Bless those Canucks.
.-= last blog ..We’re on fire…. =-.

5 Bryan { 08.11.09 at 11:42 pm }

They are talking about the Zaca area as part of the fire lines for this fire, so they assume it is going to get a lot bigger.

BC caught some decent weather, so things are calming down a bit. That could release some resources, at least from other provinces.

I noticed they have increases the number of choppers by 1 and added 4 tankers, so they are getting some air support in. Looking at the topo of the area, it’s a good zone to break a leg in, no matter how careful you are.

I don’t envy the people trying to round up stock, cows and horses go nuts when they smell smoke, so moving them in a controlled fashion won’t be easy, especially if the horse you’re riding doesn’t want to go where you need it to go.