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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

New Kid

Friday Cat Blogging


[Editor: This is a new addition to the clan, reacting to the reality that I had magically appeared after the screen door slammed shut.]

Friday Ark


1 SSG { 08.14.09 at 2:03 am }

Oh, look at that little face! *Wants to hug. cuddle and pet, but the little one probably wouldn’t let me*

How many kittens are there, do you know?

2 PJ { 08.14.09 at 7:46 am }

What a cutey, he kind of looks like our newest rescue.
.-= last blog ..Friday Cat Blogging : Here Comes Trouble =-.

3 Steve Bates { 08.14.09 at 11:01 am }

Toooo cuuuute… great photo, too.
.-= last blog ..Friday Kitty Innuendo Blogging =-.

4 Bryan { 08.14.09 at 12:37 pm }

AFAIK, SSG, there are three that belong to Tonto, who is the litter mate of the alpha female, The Lone Ranger. Tonto is very relaxed around me, not friendly, but not terror-stricken, but her kittens all scatter. She brought them to the area near the Dogloo when she was ready to ween them.

There are one or more kittens near the pump house, which is also by a feeding station, but I have only heard them, and not seen them.

PJ, if I could “rescue them” I do “trap, neuter, release” whenever possible. I don’t try to make them anything they aren’t, but I don’t try to keep down the their numbers with spaying. They also live much longer, two or three times longer, if they are neutered.

With feral kittens, Steve, you hold down the button and see what you got later. They certainly don’t pose. For some reason the camera prefers to use palmetto fronds as a focus point, which is really annoying, or I would have had a nice shot of this kitten attacking the dreaded wet cat food.

5 Moi { 08.14.09 at 9:36 pm }

I was going to ask you how you end up with more feral cats than I have ever seen….but you kind of just answered…lol

6 Bryan { 08.14.09 at 10:27 pm }

A feral cat that hasn’t been fixed rarely lives to be four. Molly, who was fixed as a kitten, and is the oldest of the ferals is 15. She lived through three major hurricanes in that time, outside. The parasites and kittens really take a toll.

7 jams O'Donnell { 08.16.09 at 5:59 am }

That is a beautiful little face. The trap neuter release is a great idea. We know ourselves that a even a young adult feral can make a delightful pet – Bebe being the case in point!
.-= last blog ..Iran Puts Baha’is on trial for alleged espionage. =-.

8 Bryan { 08.16.09 at 7:59 am }

They keep the area clear of rodents, even if they don’t act very friendly, and people don’t want the natural predators, the larger native snakes, around. They fill a niche, and are fun to watch even if you can’t touch them.