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What’s Hot? California — Why Now?
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What’s Hot? California

MSNBC notices that California is dealing with multiple fires

Cal Fire Incident list

Hat Creek Complex [Lassen National Forest]
Wildcat Fire [Yosemite National Park]
La Brea Fire [Los Padres National Forest ]
SHU Lightning [Shasta County]
Yuba Fire [Yuba County]
Corral Fire [Alameda County]
Coffin Fire [Trinity County]
Lockheed Fire [Santa Cruz County]

If the location is a national park or forest, it’s a Federal problem, but five of these fires have the meter running at the state, which isn’t getting any richer.

I’m sticking with the La Brea and Lockheed fires, but they are not everything that’s burning, just look at the Enplan Wildfire Viewer.


1 cookie jill { 08.15.09 at 12:28 am }

bad time to run out of marshmallows.
.-= last blog ..The Coundown begins =-.

2 Bryan { 08.15.09 at 2:23 pm }

So long as there’s chocolate the marshmallows are irrelevant.