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Humor Break — Why Now?
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Humor Break

funny pictures of cats with captions


1 SSG { 08.16.09 at 1:07 am }

LOL. Good one.

2 Anya { 08.16.09 at 1:51 am }

I dunno, me.

Are McDonald’s french fries actually considered vegetables?

3 Badtux { 08.16.09 at 2:09 am }

I am proud to say that neither of my boys have been known to menace so much as a blade of grass. Well,

BTW, I’m not sure french fries qualify as a vegetable. Especially french fries fried in lard. They qualify as a fat, maybe…

– Badtux the Meat-eating-cat-owned Penguin
.-= last blog ..Depressing numbers =-.

4 jams O'Donnell { 08.16.09 at 5:52 am }

The horror….. THE HORROR!!!!
.-= last blog ..Iran Puts Baha’is on trial for alleged espionage. =-.

5 Bryan { 08.16.09 at 7:29 am }

McDonald’s french fries were cooked in beef tallow/suet until the “fat police” demanded change. It is highly likely that the fries contain more animal content than the supposed “hamburger”.

Prior to the change McDonald’s fries were obviously a vital part of any good diet, second only to a Cadbury Fruit and Nut bar in essential nutritional value… for a given definition of essential… and nutritional. Hey, you got your daily allowance of fat and sodium in two fries, that’s nutritional.

6 oldwhitelady { 08.16.09 at 9:11 am }

Hee hee, that was funny! Steve’s pretty smart when he realized the fries were better than the burger.
.-= last blog ..Friday Cat Blogging – Stringtime for Parker Dmitri =-.

7 Bryan { 08.16.09 at 11:30 am }

The fries were the only reason to ever go to a McDonald’s, and I’ve been stopping by since two hamburgers, fries, and a Coke were 50¢.

8 Steve Bates { 08.16.09 at 2:05 pm }

ROFL! Especially since I am in fact a vegetarian. When it comes to greasy fried food (veggie as surely as meat), the cats will beg for it… they don’t know how disappointed they’d be if I gave them some of it.
.-= last blog ..Nothing New Under The Sun =-.

9 Bryan { 08.16.09 at 3:09 pm }

It is here because of you, Steve, and, no, I had nothing to do with it.

My crew eat cookies, pecan sandies, with their tongues. They lick them away if I leave one out. It isn’t the sugar, because cats don’t have sugar receptors on their tongues.

10 hipparchia { 08.16.09 at 3:09 pm }

several of my crew LOVE french fries, no matter who makes them.
.-= last blog ..I’ve always said that Woman’s Best Friend is a Big Black Dog =-.

11 Bryan { 08.16.09 at 3:34 pm }

Is that what you stocked for Claudette? Actually, you won’t get much more than rain if it doesn’t decide to alter course.

12 hipparchia { 08.16.09 at 4:11 pm }

yeah, stop that fear-mongering. the french fries will get us through.

i’ve got enough cat litter, but i should probably get more dog and cat food. not so much for claudette, since like you say, we’ll probably just get rain, but there’s ana to think about [even with a 30-something chance of petering out once in the gulf].
.-= last blog ..I’ve always said that Woman’s Best Friend is a Big Black Dog =-.

13 Bryan { 08.16.09 at 4:26 pm }

As it stands now, Ana, which just got “depressed” is going to get chewed up by the mountains on Hispaniola, Bill is going to turn and be a fish botherer, and, despite a valiant effort to be a real PITA, Claudette has run out of time and warm water.

It was 120 miles Southeast of you at 4PM.

I picked up some stuff this afternoon, including fuel for my Mother’s generator, but you can’t buy gas ahead any more because of the ethanol which attracts water. She’s going to have to start driving so there’s something to use it in.