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Hurricane Bill Cat 1 Day 8 — Why Now?
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Hurricane Bill Cat 1 Day 8

Hurricane BillPosition: 39.1 N 67.8 W [10 PM CDT 0300 UTC].
Movement: North-Northeast [015°] near 25 mph [40 kph].
Maximum sustained winds: 85 mph [140 kph].
Wind Gusts: 105 mph [170 kph].
Tropical Storm Wind Radius: 275 miles [445 km].
Hurricane Wind Radius: 85 miles [140 km].
Minimum central pressure: 961 mb.

It is 195 miles [315 km] Southwest of Nantucket. Bill is a Category 1 storm.

Tropical Storm Warnings and Watches have been issued for the Atlantic from Massachusetts to Newfoundland. Canada has issued a Hurricane Watch
for Southwestern Newfoundland.

The Atlantic Coast from Florida to Nova Scotia will be receiving major increases in wave height related to Bill. If you go to the beach expect rip currents.

Here’s the link for NOAA’s latest satellite images.

[For the latest information click on the storm symbol, or go to the CATEGORIES drop-down box below the CALENDAR and select “Hurricanes” for all of the posts related to storms on this site.]