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Badtux Baby Pic? — Why Now?
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Badtux Baby Pic?

funny pictures of cats with captions


1 hipparchia { 08.24.09 at 9:29 pm }


[we’re no longer allowed one-word comments?]
.-= last blog ..Fortunately, =-.

2 Bryan { 08.24.09 at 9:57 pm }

Why Not?

Let me test.

3 BLD { 08.24.09 at 10:03 pm }

Test test 🙄

4 Bryan { 08.24.09 at 10:08 pm }

Apparently not, it must have been one of the last two security upgrades. Two words and an emoticon would seem to be the minimum comment requirement.


5 hipparchia { 08.24.09 at 11:35 pm }

sigh… 🙁 sigh…
.-= last blog ..Fortunately, =-.

6 hipparchia { 08.24.09 at 11:36 pm }

fear the fuzzy!

made me smile. thanks.
.-= last blog ..Fortunately, =-.

7 cookie jill { 08.24.09 at 11:41 pm }

Badtux was such a cute little baby….
.-= last blog ..Happy Big 5-0, Hawai’i! =-.

8 Bryan { 08.24.09 at 11:56 pm }


9 Bryan { 08.25.09 at 12:00 am }

Well, that’s even more annoying. Apparently my comments aren’t tested in any way, which means I can blow things up, if there’s a problem.

That youngster has loads of attitude in every fuzzy feather.

10 Badtux { 08.25.09 at 1:48 am }

My masters, Mencken and The Mighty Fang, are amused. Or would be, if Mencken wasn’t busy slurping and splashing water out of the Drinkwell fountain as TMF looks on in fascination :).

– Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin
.-= last blog ..Birthers want to view Obama’s wang =-.

11 Steve Bates { 08.25.09 at 11:11 am }

Badtux, at least it’s only water that Mencken is splashing… Stella’s ancient cat Tabitha now refills Lake Tabitha about four times a day. I told Stella that considering how often Tabitha marks in the hallway, she must be reminding us that our rent house is managed by Hallmark Properties…
.-= last blog ..Friday Cell Phone Cat Blogging =-.

12 Bryan { 08.25.09 at 12:58 pm }

That fountain would enable me to go with single-lever washerless faucets again. I had to replace them as somecat was adept at turning them on, but never bothered to turn them off.

Have you tried putting a rubber mat down, after sprinkling baking soda on the spot? You may have to sand it down and apply a urethane sealer over the spot to eliminate the odor.