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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

The Pump House Gang

Friday Cat Blogging

Food, Mom, we need food!

[Editor: Two tuxedos and a silver tabby, that their mother wishes would take the hint and start eating cat food. These are the last of the kittens and this was taken well away from them as they would scatter like leaves in a gale if I tried to approach close enough to get a good picture.]

Friday Ark


1 cookie jill { 08.28.09 at 12:01 am }

A momma’s work is never done.
.-= last blog ..Santa Barbara is Foodie Festival Central =-.

2 Bryan { 08.28.09 at 12:22 am }

She definitely wants them to get the hint. She grooms them, but is trying to convince them the “lunch wagon” is closed.

3 Steve Bates { 08.28.09 at 12:25 am }

We’ve all known humans who behave the same way those kittens do. Jonah Goldberg comes to mind…
.-= last blog ..Friday Scoot-Over-Damn-You Blogging =-.

4 Bryan { 08.28.09 at 12:30 am }

Tsk, tsk, someone is being catty 😉

5 Steve Bates { 08.28.09 at 12:32 am }

(BTW, I’ve posted a cat pic, but for some weird caching reason, IE8 didn’t display the new post until I hard-refreshed [Ctrl-F5]. I’m certainly getting tired of this sort of thing.)
.-= last blog ..Friday Scoot-Over-Damn-You Blogging =-.

6 Bryan { 08.28.09 at 12:42 am }

I just had to hard refresh in FF, and I used the link on your comment which should take me directly to the post.

7 Lab Kat { 08.29.09 at 12:17 am }

Nice butt shot from the grey kitten. heehee
.-= last blog ..We now return to regular programming =-.

8 Bryan { 08.29.09 at 12:31 am }

She is actually a pretty kitten, if she didn’t go all “AXE MURDERER!!!” when she notices me looking at her.

When you are dealing with ferals, they rarely pose for the camera.

9 jams O'Donnell { 08.29.09 at 4:45 am }

Ah they remind me of Bebe’s kittens… When we got her she definitely wanted her babies to get lost!
.-= last blog ..In praise of Essex (n+x) – Scroobius Pip =-.

10 Bryan { 08.29.09 at 12:27 pm }

There’s a mix among the ferals, with some being “nice” about weening, but most are tired of nursing and want the whole thing over. They show the kittens eating and drinking for about and then it is time for a break.

The other cats will put up with kittens taking over the food dishes for about a month afterward, but then the hierarchy reasserts itself, and they have to wait their turn.

Having hand-raised a few litters, I know what a pain, literally, hungry kittens can be.

11 oldwhitelady { 08.30.09 at 9:43 am }

Too bad you can’t get close enough to pick them up. They sure would be a fun bunch to play with…all at the same time. What little cuties. Hopefully, they will start eating cat food before long.
.-= last blog ..Friday Cat Blogging – More baby pictures =-.

12 Bryan { 08.30.09 at 2:35 pm }

They eat cat food now, but still jump on their mom if she lays down where they can see her. She stayed on top of my Mother’s grill for a while, but they have learned how to get up there.

They are cute, but definitely not friendly.