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Katrina — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Scout First Draft graphic

It wasn’t the storm, it was the levees.

It wasn’t Nature, it was man.

The Weather Underground’s Hurricane Katrina tracking map.

An animation of the National Hurricane Center’s tracking maps.

The track on Google map from the Central Florida Hurricane Center so you can see exactly where the storm struck, and it wasn’t New Orleans.

Katrina did have top sustained winds of 175 mph with a pressure of 902 millibars, a Category 5 storm, but that was in the central Gulf of Mexico. It came ashore as a Category 3 hurricane to the East of New Orleans. There was minimal wind damage in the city from the hurricane.

Wikipedia has a nice article on Katrina, without going totally technical on the science behind hurricanes.

CNN has an opinion piece by Harry Shearer that asks: Does Obama care about New Orleans?

NOLA.com has a round up of the media stories in News outlets chime in on Hurricane Katrina anniversary.

Finally, Scout at First Draft, a tireless champion of New Orleans and the individual responsible for the the graphic, announced on the 25th that she was moving on in a different direction from that blog.

Her stories, pictures, and videos helped a lot of people to understand what a disaster that New Orleans was, and in many ways, still is.


1 Comrade Kevin { 08.29.09 at 1:56 pm }

Thanks for remembering.

2 Bryan { 08.29.09 at 3:09 pm }

CK, I’m on the Gulf Coast 200 miles east of NOLA. I never forgot, and we are still dealing with problems from Ivan in 2004 because of FEMA and the response, which were complicated when Dennis came in.

The Mississippi and Alabama coasts still have open wounds from Katrina.

The big difference is that it wasn’t the hurricane, it was the levee system that flooded New Orleans. Studies have shown that there was almost no overtopping, the levees were high enough, they just weren’t designed or built properly to withstand a Category 3 hurricane.

3 cookie jill { 08.29.09 at 10:47 pm }

Michael Jackson is getting more coverage. Oh, yeah, by the way…guess he’s still dead.

Where’d the news go?

4 Bryan { 08.29.09 at 11:26 pm }

Actually CNN and MSNBC have been unreachable most of tonight. I assume it’s the Kennedy funeral.

I had a couple of great aunts that people tended to avoid because no one ever saw them, except at funerals. The media seems to be the same way. Give them a crowd of grievers and it’s 24-7 coverage. What’s really amazing is that, given the place they all seem to think Teddy had in the government, I don’t remember the last time they ran a clip or interview with him.

5 cookie jill { 08.30.09 at 12:21 am }

I’ve given up on the “news” channels….freakin’ out about La Crescenta so avoiding the LA Channel news…

I’m sweating and watching Dirty Jobs. Nice to see people who actually work for a living on the TeeVee.
.-= last blog ..Say some prayers for the Vedanta Temple =-.

6 Bryan { 08.30.09 at 12:34 am }

I don’t know, too many pictures of real jobs being done by real people might give people the feeling that there is no pony if they vote Repub.