Friday Cat Blogging
Waiting for Good Food
When you get a moment, OK?
[Editor: Ringo is most assuredly not on the hunt – it is too hot. She is patiently waiting for me to put wet food in the dish. She knows I am to her side, but maintains her watch on the wet food dish.]
See, that is the kind of behavior that I expect from cats — not solving mysteries. The only mystery Ringo is ever going to solve is the mystery of what that food tastes like ;).
– Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin
Come on, they have discovered how to get doors and cans opened, and how to live to a ripe old age without working. Those are ‘mysteries’ that a lot of humans would like to solve. 😉
If she’s waiting for some food to be provided, she could still be on the hunt… for the food she knows will be forthcoming:) At least she knows to hang out in the shade. Shre sure is pretty.
It was too hot for birds or squirrels in the late afternoon, and definitely too hot for her favorite sleeping spot, on my roof.
Good to see you, OWL. I was wondering if you had a problem when you didn’t post a Friday picture.
I was hoping that she won’t be on the hunt for some nice man flesh if the cat food was slow in coming!
She’s only a threat if there a bare toes in the area, a kitten habit that she has never gotten over.