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Occupy This! — Why Now?
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Occupy This!

Via Corrente, a Naomi Klein tweet that the San Francisco police gathered up the equipment from the Occupy area and took it to the dump, however the Sanitation workers returned it noting that they are the 99% too.

After watching too many videos of what is going on in NYC, it looks like the ‘blue shirts’ are not getting with Tsar Michael’s program, and don’t do anything that isn’t specifically ordered by the ‘white shirts’. The ‘white shirts’ are playing the role of Казаки [Cossacks], in this attack on the peasants. I’m guessing that the ‘blue shirts’ are acting based on the advice of their union attorneys.

The Боярин [Boyars, 1%] must be feeling threatened in their кремль [kremlin, fortress] on Wall Street, to have requested the Tsar attack the peasants.

Why use Russian terms, because anyone named Bloomberg should be ashamed of ordering a pogrom. The tactic wasn’t limited to Jewish settlements, but it would be a rare Jew who didn’t know what it meant. It is a reference to the ‘thunder’ of the horses hooves before the attack.


1 Badtux { 10.18.11 at 2:24 am }

I was the equivalent of a “blue shirt” in another organization and I can tell you that in that organization I was *very* cognizant of department policy and CYA. If a supervisor ordered me to do something blatantly illega l or against department policy I would have at the very least requested that he repeat the order in the presence of my union rep or put it in writing, no way I was gonna hang myself out in the air all by my lonesome to get 100% of the blame if things went to s**t. In some of these actions it appears that the white shirts aren’t even ordering the blue shirts anymore, they’re just wading into the crowd and getting themselves into trouble that the blue shirts have to come in and retrieve them from. Somehow I suspect NYPD union reps are getting a real workout at the moment dealing with street cops who want to know what to do if some random supervisor issues them an illegal order…

2 Bryan { 10.18.11 at 12:54 pm }

Watching this points to fracturing in the NYPD, which is never good. There was already a fault line there because the bulk of ‘white shirts’ are political appointees who may not have been respected when they were ‘blue shirts’.

The ‘blue shirts’ are definitely hanging back and acting like they want to be somewhere else. Yeah, the stewards are really working overtime on this. If I was on the scene, I should be able to ID the stewards/union reps, because I’ll bet the ‘blue shirts’ are looking at them for a signal on whether to get involved.

The shift roll calls are probably fairly noisy these days.