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Housekeeping Note — Why Now?
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Housekeeping Note

This evening I will be upgrading to the latest version of WordPerfect WordPress, so everything could go away.

I have back-ups, but the only way you can be sure they are good is to use them.

Hopefully you won’t even notice, but I thought I’d mention it.

In the event of failure I will have updates on the progress at the Why Now annex.

Update: I’m not having a day that lends itself to concentration.

Update 2: Apparently it worked after mucking about with one file that I hack to use different features in comments than the guys who wrote the code.


1 Steve Bates { 06.14.09 at 6:29 pm }

WordPerfect? Did you mean WordPress?

I hope you don’t need your backups, but that if you do need them, they are flawless.

2 Comrade Kevin { 06.14.09 at 6:50 pm }

I hope you don’t get taken away!
.-= ´s last blog ..Quote of the Week =-.

3 Bryan { 06.14.09 at 7:23 pm }

I did mean WordPress, but it has been that kind of day, not ‘Perfect, but ‘Pressed so I should have caught it.

4 Bryan { 06.14.09 at 7:23 pm }

How did you mean that, CK? 😉