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Serendipity? — Why Now?
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…more probably coincidence, as the death of Mr. Pevney reminded me of The City on the Edge of Forever, which was a time travel story featuring a rather young Joan Collins.

This in turn reminded me of where I had seen the photoshopped scene used in Melina’s post at Brilliant at Breakfast: Driftglass Explains it All….

I’m sure driftglass doesn’t appreciate what he is implying by putting the Clintons inside the portal. I’m sure he is unaware that the episode is about the necessity of the death of a principled, caring woman to save the world.

After all of the ranting about a Boomer time reference, I feel certain that Obama supporters would never wish death on Mrs. Clinton. 😈

Update: Bob Somerby of The Daily Howler steps you through the media treatment of Mrs. Clinton, and the fact that the Obama campaign was pushing the misreading of the second time she referenced RFK’s June death. No one said anything about the first time she said it in a Time magazine article.