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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

Waiting for Good Food

Friday Cat Blogging

When you get a moment, OK?

[Editor: Ringo is most assuredly not on the hunt – it is too hot. She is patiently waiting for me to put wet food in the dish. She knows I am to her side, but maintains her watch on the wet food dish.]

Friday Ark


1 Badtux { 06.10.11 at 12:51 am }

See, that is the kind of behavior that I expect from cats — not solving mysteries. The only mystery Ringo is ever going to solve is the mystery of what that food tastes like ;).

– Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin

2 Bryan { 06.10.11 at 2:45 pm }

Come on, they have discovered how to get doors and cans opened, and how to live to a ripe old age without working. Those are ‘mysteries’ that a lot of humans would like to solve. 😉

3 oldwhitelady { 06.11.11 at 2:32 pm }

If she’s waiting for some food to be provided, she could still be on the hunt… for the food she knows will be forthcoming:) At least she knows to hang out in the shade. Shre sure is pretty.

4 Bryan { 06.11.11 at 3:09 pm }

It was too hot for birds or squirrels in the late afternoon, and definitely too hot for her favorite sleeping spot, on my roof.

Good to see you, OWL. I was wondering if you had a problem when you didn’t post a Friday picture.

5 jams o donnell { 06.13.11 at 3:52 pm }

I was hoping that she won’t be on the hunt for some nice man flesh if the cat food was slow in coming!

6 Bryan { 06.13.11 at 10:48 pm }

She’s only a threat if there a bare toes in the area, a kitten habit that she has never gotten over.