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Shocking News — Why Now?
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Shocking News

The media is shocked at the notion that Native Americans might give political contributions to anyone without the direction of Jack Abramoff. After all why would the Lakota people give money to Democratic Senator Byron Dorgan of North DAKOTA, who sits on the INDIAN AFFAIRS committee?

I cannot independently verify that the Shrubbery is hitting kittens with a hammer. That is almost as absurd as having an Attorney General who thinks calico cats are cursed, or a major leader “adopting” cats from an animal shelter to cut them up. Next they’ll be telling us that the government is tapping everyone’s phone…

Writer and entertainer Adam Felbers felt obliged to point out that not “everyone” believed in the “conventional wisdom” prior to the invasion of Iraq.

It does make one pause when you realize that a comedy writer has had more success at understanding the foreign policy situation and predicting the future than the current government.

Given that the most trusted “news program” is on Comedy Central, perhaps we should give up on think tanks and universities and start hiring the National Security Council from the ranks of stand-up comics.