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WTF — Why Now?
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Excerpt from the White House of the Shrubbery’s VFW speech today:

As veterans and soon to be veterans, you have placed the nation’s security before your own lives. You took an oath to defend our flag and our freedom, and you kept that oath underseas [sic] and under fire. (Applause.) All of us who live in liberty live in your debt, and we must never forget the sacrifice and the service of our veterans.

Apparently his mind rejected the oath that you take when you enter the military – you take an oath to support and defend the Constitution, not the flag. He seems to have a personal problem with the Constitution, almost as if he is rejecting its existence in his alternate universe.

Don’t ask me why he said “underseas”, I assume he was just mumbling again or the reception on his earpiece was bad.

I have nothing against the flag, but it is a battle signal, not an object of adoration. It’s a violation of the Flag Code to put it on uniforms, but they do it anyway, and he signs small flags with a marker, which is also a violation. I certainly never took an oath to defend the flag for the military, law enforcement, or public service: all three were to support and defend the Constitution. The Shrubbery and the country would be better off if he stopped waving the flag and started reading the Constitution.

Trick Flag Question: how many stripes on THE Star Spangled Banner, the flag that Francis Scott Key wrote about in the poem.