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Is There A Law Against Pundits Being Correct? — Why Now?
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Is There A Law Against Pundits Being Correct?

Terry has nice post on Lawrence Eagleburger demonstrating how wrong the man has been about everything that has occurred for the last 30 years, but he still gets air time and column space for his opinions.

Laurie Mylroie is another pundit who keeps getting quoted and taken seriously in face of her history of being consistently wrong.

It’s almost as if the people in the media are telling themselves that these people have been so totally wrong so consistently, they must be right this time. I can’t follow the logic involved in selecting people to be put forward as “experts”. If I were wearing a stainless steel colanderАня, I might assume they are doing this to convince the audience that no one understood the situation, so you can’t blame the Shrubbery.