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Standing On My Soapbox — Why Now?
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Standing On My Soapbox

Back on Halloween I wrote Alito? No! just after hearing about the guy for the first time. A quick glance told me he didn’t believe that people have a right to privacy. People fixated on abortion, but he opposes more than that when it comes to keeping the government out of your private life.

Now it’s becoming apparent that he believes in the “divine right of Presidents”, that the separation of powers is not an important concept if it interferes with a President doing whatever he/she feels like.

FDR was, by all accounts, including those of many relatives, a good President dealing with some of the worst problems the country had ever seen, but the Supreme Court was right to put the brakes on him.

We are seeing the effect of a single party in control of all three branches of government, and it isn’t pretty. Historians are going to be savaging this period in our history for a very long time. The country may not be as “efficient” when the power is divided, but the rights of all of the people and their taxes are much safer.

Alito has done nothing that would require his impeachment, but the republic will not be well served with a monarchist on the Supreme Court.