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Hearings As Theater — Why Now?
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Hearings As Theater

No links, because they are out there and y’all can find them, but this is too annoying not to comment.

Mrs. Alito “bursts in tears” because the bad old Democrats are picking on her husband – except, she did it while her husband was being questioned by Republican Senator Lindsay Graham, her husband’s “drama coach”. What was Graham doing coaching a man who was going to testify before the Judiciary Committee? How is this ethical? Did Graham “coach” Mrs. Alito on bursting into tears?

Ted Kennedy was being uncivil to Arlen Spector? Kennedy sent Spector a request to look at certain documents and the documents hadn’t been received. Spector goes off on a riff about just because Kennedy sent the request, doesn’t mean that Spector received it – except Kennedy had Spector’s response to the request in his pocket, so he knew Spector received the request.

These melodramatic flourishes by the Republicans add nothing to the business of the republic and are, frankly, sophomoric. This smells of Rove. The world will be a better place when Fitzgerald reserves Karl’s place at a federal gray-bar motel.