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Good Faith? — Why Now?
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Good Faith?

In an article about the upcoming Judiciary Committee hearings on ILLEGAL WARRANTLESS wiretapping by the Bush administration:

A number of members of Specter’s committee, including GOP Sen. Sam Brownback of Kansas, have expressed doubt about the administration’s legal basis. The hearings, planned for early February, will feature Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

Specter, speaking in general terms, noted that impeachment and criminal prosecution are possibilities in the event a president acted unconstitutionally.

But Specter added: “I don’t see any talk about impeachment here. I don’t think anyone doubts the president is making a good-faith effort. He’s acting in a way that he feels he must.”

Yo, Arlen given their track record, anyone with an “R” after their name is due no “benefit of doubt”. They have shown themselves unworthy of trust by a record of lies and incompetence. I stand with the majority of Americans who believe that this conduct merits impeachment.

If there was justification for a wiretap there was a special court in place to grant a warrant. If there was a question about legality there is a special panel of attorneys to render an opinion. The judges and attorneys are cleared and unlike the White House staff they don’t seem inclined to leak like a sieve to the media if there is a political point to be scored.

This White House works for the benefit of itself and its friends. They didn’t want anyone outside the White House to know what they were doing because they use the information gained for many things that have no direct connection to the defense of the nation, but only to the defense of their power. Like Louis XIV and Tom DeLay, George W believes L’état, c’est Moi! [“The state, it is Me!” or “I am the Federal government!” in Tom’s case.]