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Backstabbers — Why Now?
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Both Steve and Bobby posted on James Webb’s New York Times editorial complaining about the attacks of the current leadership of the Republican Party on veterans.

For more background there’s this CNN article on the “purple heart band-aids at the 2004 GOP convention.

The poem that Webb quotes is Tommy by Rudyard Kipling, a well known piece among the military for most of 150+ years since it was written because of the truth it still contains.

John McCain, Max Cleland, John Kerry, Jack Murtha – all had Vietnam Service Medals, Purple Hearts, and one or both Silver Stars, Bronze Stars. They have all been slimed by these people. How much respect did Colin Powell receive? General Shinseki?

James Webb has a Navy Cross, but that won’t stop the attacks.

The Republicans don’t want to supply the troops with body armor. If the troops had efficient body armor they would be much harder to stab in the back.