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Take This Plan and Shove It — Why Now?
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Take This Plan and Shove It

The misbegotten idiots that passed this Medicare Part D should be required to work their way through this mess before they ever draw another cent from the Federal Treasury. They should be locked in a room with a telephone and receive neither food nor water until they actually get an answer from one of these companies.

They should be given the standard monthly prescription bottles from one individual and be required to locate a plan that would actually be useful to that individual or starve.

I have been roped into helping some people who are trying to deal with this mess. The web sites don’t work worth a damn and the feedback links are broken when they even exist. The telephone numbers are nothing but a collection of bad music as you are put on hold if the call is answered at all.

No one was ready for this. The government and the companies don’t have a system in place. I’m dealing with upset people, and widespread incompetence.

The Shrubbery has asked the companies to help!? If the companies were capable of helping in this situation it wouldn’t be this screwed up.

Cronyism, corruption, and incompetence – it’s the Republican way.