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Yes, I’m Picking On Kevin Drum — Why Now?
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Yes, I’m Picking On Kevin Drum

Kevin thinks that bloggers should discuss the Pakistan attack. Having not thought it through he has decided that he doesn’t have a problem with the loss of 18 innocent people if we killed 4 members of al Qaeda.

So, if the innocent to guilty death ratio is less than 5:1, Kevin thinks it’s okay. If 10 terrorists were holed up in Disneyland, Kevin wouldn’t be disturbed if less than 50 bystanders were killed when the Anaheim PD called in an air strike on Cinderella’s castle?

Unfair, you say? Not the same thing at all? No, if you aren’t willing to kill your own people, then you have no right to visit a death sentence on people in other countries. Even if they look different, have a different religion, or a different language, all innocent people are equal and should be valued equally. There are people who view a bombing attack that kills citizens of a friendly country as a causa belli. I don’t remember a declaration of war against Pakistan.

In case people have forgotten, Pakistan has nuclear weapons. If the current government is replaced, it will probably be with allies of al Qaeda and the Taliban. This attack has put the current government in Pakistan at risk.

As for the stories of the dead al Qaeda leaders, consider the source. There is no proof yet offered that anyone other than innocent villagers were killed. Statements from the Pakistani government should be given the same respect as statements from Scott McClellan.