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Diplomatic Triumph — Why Now?
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Diplomatic Triumph

David Mulford, banker and Bush fund-raiser, is another example of why you need diplomats, not cronies, as ambassadors. When you are the American ambassador to a large country, like India, you really shouldn’t go around saying what you think, before you run it by the State Department. Some countries get upset when you threaten them.

While India probably wasn’t going to back the US in the move against Iran before Mulford shot his mouth off, now the government is being backed into a corner: if it wanted to back the US, it can’t without major political consequences.

I think Mulford was correct in believing that the US Congress would probably stop the US-India agreement if they didn’t back action against Iran, but you say that in private, not in public. That’s how diplomacy works – good news in public, bad news in private.