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Military Meltdown — Why Now?
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Military Meltdown

You can read about it at CNN or the BBC, but the story is the same: two recent reports say the US Army is in major trouble.

Rumsfeld says, no, they are combat-hardened and tougher than ever. He has apparently missed the part about all of the company commanders exiting, the two year time limit on the Reserve approaching, the low recruitment numbers, the busted equipment that isn’t being repaired or replaced. All Rumsfeld can remember is two seeming victories two years ago, and forgets what has happened since.

See, Donald came in with a plan to remake the military according to his ideal, and no matter what happens, he continues with his plan. It’s always amazing to watch a full-bore obsessive-compulsive at work, their ability to ignore the world around them.

The Pentagon has been patching holes with the National Guard and Reserve. They have been borrowing personnel and materiel from those forces without any plan to replace what is used.

The period following 9-11 would have been the ideal time to expand the military, but Rumsfeld had his plan, and there could be no alteration permitted.