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Spreading Democracy — Why Now?
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Spreading Democracy

So the Shrubbery’s push in Middle East democracy is rolling right along, whether he wants it or not. The claims about democracies not being warlike don’t seem to be working out.

The Iranians have elected a man whose campaign slogan would seem to have been “I hate Bush more than any other candidate”, although he seems to agree with Bush on preemptive wars and building nuclear weapons.

Then, in spite of promises as uniters, the Iraqi elections don’t seem to hold out much that is good for Sunnis or other minorities. The winning parties all seem to be based on ethnic or religious divisions.

And now, those tricksie Palestinian voters, tired of all of the corruption of the ruling Fatah Party, which didn’t much like the US, and replaced it with Hamas, which pretty much hates the US, and Israel.

Len at Dark Bilious Vapors excerpts an article with even more examples.

Saying you’re not going to deal with terrorists in the Israeli-Palestinian dispute is a bit of a dilemma. People forget that most of the prime ministers of Israel have been members of groups that performed acts of “terrorism” under the British mandate.