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Martyrdom Denied — Why Now?
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Martyrdom Denied

Andrew Cohen, CBS legal analyst, presents his view on the Zacarias Moussaoui sentence, and I agree with him.

A dangerous, deluded individual is off the streets forever, to rot in a cell. There is no glory for him in the sentence.


1 larkohio { 05.04.06 at 8:56 am }

The jury reached a correct verdict. He wanted to be a martyr, and he is not.

2 larkohio { 05.04.06 at 8:56 am }

The jury reached a correct verdict. He wanted to be a martyr, and he is not.

3 Bryan { 05.04.06 at 10:11 am }

Now is the time for the real punishment – for everyone to forget who he is.