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McCain ODs On Koolaid — Why Now?
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McCain ODs On Koolaid

McCain just can’t stand the thought that his best friend, the Shrubbery, might not get everything he wants.

In this Associated Press story, Front-runner to lead CIA draws fire, we learn:

Support from McCain
Hayden has his defenders on Capitol Hill. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said he hopes he could be confirmed.

“In all due respect to my colleagues – and I obviously respect their views – General Hayden is really more of an intelligence person than he is an Air Force officer,” he said on “Face the Nation” on CBS. “I think that we should also remember that there had been other former military people who have been directors of the CIA.”

So, John, you weren’t really in the Navy, you just drove airplanes and the uniform was a convenience? “If you don’t drive boats, you’re not in the Navy” makes as much sense as “If you don’t drive airplanes you’re not in the Air Force”.

You don’t think that lower ranking personnel salute Hayden? You don’t believe he’s subject to the UCMJ? You don’t think he earned his rank or his medals?

As for other “former military people” having government jobs after they leave the service, that’s true. We even let “former military people” run for the Senate. There are no restrictions on “former military people”. The restrictions are on current military people in the regular forces, and there are a lot of them, which you should remember, unless you weren’t really in the Navy.


1 phinky { 05.07.06 at 9:23 pm }

Unfortunately, combat arms personnel believe that support personnel are not really in the military.

2 Bryan { 05.07.06 at 10:17 pm }

If a clerk doesn’t order the fuel, the aircraft doesn’t take off.

I have my aircrew wings and combat crew badge, but my specialty was linguist/analyst.

I don’t know how he thought he got targets, but it was usually some “staff weenie” who was getting shot at provided him the information.

Hayden has a Bronze Star. You don’t get a Bronze Star in the Pentagon. I don’t like the guy, but he is an Air Force officer, for better or worse.

3 Jack K. { 05.07.06 at 11:13 pm }

…the simple fact is that an Air Force officer with three or four stars on his shoulders is a senior military officer, regardless of how he spent his time in service. You are correct, Bryan, that he is – in the real world – as much an Air Force officer as any fighter jock or flight crew member…

4 Bryan { 05.08.06 at 12:06 am }

General officers are outside the working military. After you qualify for for that first star you job is to command whatever they give you to command. It isn’t to drive airplanes or boats, nor is it to fire weapons, it is to command.

5 andante { 05.08.06 at 3:41 pm }

it is to command

….and obey orders from whatever sorry excuse calls theirselves the Secretary of Defense and the Commander-in-Chief.

If Hayden is to head up the CIA, he needs to retire.