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Charley Savage — Why Now?
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Charley Savage

Charlie Savage, the Boston Globe reporter who wrote the article on the Shrubbery’s 750 signing statements, was on Fresh Air from WHYY tonight. Worth hearing a reporter who still reports.

There are links to his article and to a searchable database of signing statements.

He stood up well to the relentless probing of Terry Gross, the hard-hitting interviewer that scared Bill O’Reilly off her program by asking direct questions. [If you’ve never listened to Ms. Gross, Halloween costumes for babies are scarier than she is. She asks good questions and gets good interviews, but it certainly isn’t by intimidating her guests.]


1 andante { 05.09.06 at 9:28 pm }

O’Reilly threw the most infantile temper tantrum since my kid was 3 years old and insisted I put a grape back on the stem.

2 Steve Bates { 05.09.06 at 10:57 pm }

since my kid was 3 years old and insisted I put a grape back on the stem. – andante

Now that must have been a heckuva w[h]ine!

3 Bryan { 05.10.06 at 12:36 am }

Terry Gross is not much bigger than a three-year-old, and only a real wuss would be bothered by her. That was an absurd display – “protect me from from the bad elf!”

I know it is just your nature, Steve, but Grooaannn

4 andante { 05.10.06 at 1:47 pm }

a heckuva w[h]ine! (fanning myself)

Actually, it was a lot more like a full-blown O’Reilly temper tantrum. We were out walking; I offered her a white grape from a little bunch I’d brought along. She didn’t want it and demanded I “put it back”. Putting a grape back on the stem is every bit as difficult as explaining some things to 3-year olds (or O’Reilly). She sat down in the road and started screaming. Fortunately, no grapes or toddlers were hurt in the incident.