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Don’t Feed The ‘Gators — Why Now?
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Don’t Feed The ‘Gators

We have had three people killed by alligators this week in Florida. They are coming out of their cold weather stupors and entering into their breeding season.

Normally ‘gators don’t approach people and get most of their meals by eating fish, but all it takes is one fool to feed an alligator and everyone around has a problem. Alligators are not the philosopher kings of the animal kingdom. They don’t think things through and don’t bother to go beyond eating, sleeping, and sex.

If they establish a link between eating and people, all you can do is kill the ‘gator. We used to move them, but they just seek people out in their new location because the link was established in their tiny little brain.

I don’t know what it takes to convince people that alligators are wild animals to be avoided.


1 The CultureGhost { 05.16.06 at 12:11 am }

Aren’t alligators the terra firma equivalent of the shark, but with feet? They eat and breed. And they do it well.

Who the hell wants to mess with something that freakin’ primitive?

2 Bryan { 05.16.06 at 12:48 am }

Well, sharks haven’t really developed a true skeleton and many varieties don’t ever sleep, so alligators are a shade above sharks, but they are also in the same class of intellectual development.

As a group they have been around a lot longer than mammals, so they have a good program and no intention of changing.

It’s really easy – you avoid them, they avoid you.

Too many people down here think they live in a damn theme park where nothing bad ever happens.