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Enough! — Why Now?
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A married couple of some renown is separating, but that is no reason to either report on it or to pollute the world with bad puns of Beatle song titles.

It might shock the media to find out, but they are correspondents in many of these failed marriages.


1 Karen { 05.18.06 at 10:59 am }

I confess…I peeked…But didn’t inhale read much of it.

Must be the lure of the Pictures! I forgot what his second wife looked like.


2 Bryan { 05.18.06 at 11:47 am }

There was once a separate media for entertainment, but now it’s part of the news. I don’t think Ms Mills was prepared for the fishbowl that is Sir Paul’s life.

3 Karen { 05.19.06 at 8:21 am }

“but now it’s part of the news” – I think it has BECOME the NEWS! Or what passes for *news* these days.


4 Bryan { 05.19.06 at 10:07 am }

With so many of corporations that now control the news media also heavily involved in the entertainment industry, it should surprise us that the news has become the public relations arm of entertainment.