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Buzzards Coming Home To Roost — Why Now?
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Buzzards Coming Home To Roost

During his liar-side chat the Shrubbery said he was ‘troubled’ by army scandal. Bovine excrement!

As Mustang Bobby of Bark Bark Woof Woof reports: “It’s Not Just Walter Reed”, and Ellroon of Rants from the Rookery focused on an earlier Washington Post piece, Shortages threaten Guard’s capability.

Facts: the entire military medical system [under the Department of Defense] is in disrepair, the entire veterans medical system [under the Department of Veterans Affairs] is experiencing major problems, FEMA is still not back to the same level of competence it had in 2000, the food system is not as safe as it was in 2000, the deficit is spiking, the housing and stock markets are in the tank.

Have you looked at the privatization scheme at Walter Reed? A five-year contract for $120 million, $24 million a year, and they are supplying 50 people to do the work of 300!? The President is the only one in Federal service who makes $400,000/year, so how is this saving taxpayers money?

The President is the single individual common to all of these problems. The people in charge of all of these areas report to the President. The President appoints these people. The President approves their budgets. The President is responsible for their performance. The “bureaucracy” is a term covering the employees of the execute branch of government – the Presidency. The President is the problem.


1 Alice { 03.05.07 at 9:56 pm }

So Congress is now acting like a proper counterweight to Executive and starting investigations into all matter of things. I don’t know what the outcome will be, though, because BushCo and his followers will still thumb their nose at the process while loudly claiming their way is right [unintentional pun] and everyone else is a traitor. I don’t know what boggles the mind more: the immaturity of the neo-cons who are willing to take down their party for an ideology or that the party ‘grown-ups’ won’t give them the smackdown they deserve and point out that their blind adherence will help hand ’08 to the Dems. And here I thought The Prince was required reading for poly-sci.

2 Bryan { 03.05.07 at 10:57 pm }

You touched a nerve with that reference, Alice. At least if they had read the Prince they would be ding something with the power they keep grabbing, instead of wasting it. They can’t “play” after ’08, so they are breaking everything in sight and looting the treasury.

I had dinner Sunday with some people who are part of the 30% who back the Shrubbery. It was all I could do to get my Mother out of there before she decided to punch someone. Her family was in the Mohawk Valley when it belonged to Holland, so she doesn’t take kindly to people questioning her patriotism. If there was an organization called Great Grandmothers of the American Revolution, she qualified.

If figured that the meal was going to end in one or more heart attacks or strokes, based on the age of the people.

3 Alice { 03.06.07 at 12:12 am }

My grandmother was very proud of being a member of the Mayflower Society. And I do so wish I had her skill in dampening the pretensions of people who presumed to lecture her on politics or history. The fools.

re: your dinner — I suppose that’s why portable difibrulators are a good thing. Although considering the company ….

4 Bryan { 03.06.07 at 10:02 am }

They are very old friends, Alice, but trying to keep up with whether the government is good or bad when talking to them is pretty tiring. I sometimes think the world would be a better place if fewer people had been told how to avoid Niagara Falls during the western expansion.