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More From the unDemocratic Party — Why Now?
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More From the unDemocratic Party

MBW at Wampum takes offense at what Clinton, Obama, and the DNC are up to with the California delegate selection process, calling it Bad Form.

These people spend an awful lot of time and energy messing around in the processes of the state parties. You have to wonder where this power to interfere in the process comes from. If I were the head of a state delegation I would be tempted to tell the delegation to abstain on the first vote, and then vote for whoever they wanted after that. You don’t “empower” people when you tell them what to do, you generally tick them off.


1 hipparchia { 04.11.08 at 12:04 am }

speaking of form, it looks like 3 of the 4 delegates from my district are from your county.

2 Bryan { 04.11.08 at 12:22 am }

Probably retired military or contractors who were unaware they were supposed to be Rupubs when they were sent here.

3 Bryan { 04.11.08 at 12:33 am }

I just looked and that’s really weird, Hipparchia, because there’s a 4 to 1 Repub advantage in Okaloosa County. The alternate Obama delegate is the only one from Escambia County, which has the highest concentration of Democrats on the western Panhandle.

4 hipparchia { 04.11.08 at 1:01 am }

well, i’ve been complaining that both obama and clinton are really republicans; moderate, centrist, or even left-leaning republicans, but republicans nonetheless.

i thought it odd too. my first guess was similar to yours, retired military are probably the ones who are most likely to have the time, and probably the money, to travel to denver.

5 Bryan { 04.11.08 at 1:55 am }

They are also the ones who can still afford to live along the beach.

They lady from Niceville’s name strikes a chord. I think I know her from volunteer work.

The military and civil service people can retire earlier and have leisure time to travel.