Friday Cat Blogging
Surprised Reprise
Why am I here?!
[Editor: Because of issues at my host, here’s Surprised Cat again. She has the annoying habit of only showing up in the evening when the light is bad, and you need good light and small pupils to appreciate her expression.]
“… you need good light and small pupils…”
I had small pupils for a while in my younger years, but found I much preferred teaching music to adults. <grin_duck_run />
I gather you can post posts (now that’s cacophonous!) but not pics. No matter: this is a really good one to reprise.
I can’t upload, as I use FTP. WordPress has a facility to do it, but it puts things in a weird place. The data base is up, so I can post.
I love that expresion Bryan. Oh to be surprised at things rather than cynical!
.-= ´s last blog ..Robyn and Bebe =-.
It’s not hard when you don’t have to work for a living – it just appears at a regular time.