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Andante’s Zoo — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Andante’s Zoo

Friday Cat Blogging

Trouble and Randy

Friday Cat Blogging

Bandit, Nicky, and Cujo

Friday Cat Blogging

Grandpuppy Pippin

[Editor: Staff to tuxedo cats and wrangler of chihuahuas. Randy has been waiting at the bridge since December of 2007.]

Friday Ark


1 cookie jill { 07.17.09 at 1:11 am }

Now that is a zoo. I was staying with a friend when the Jesusita Fire struck. We were told to evacutate twice. (three times in all during the “adventure”) Talk about a zoo…or a circus….try evacuating 4 chickens, 3 dogs, 2 chinchillas and a 100 lb. tortoise….twice.

It would have been a little easier with this crew.
.-= ´s last blog ..40 years ago today =-.

2 hipparchia { 07.17.09 at 2:13 am }

awwwww…. adorable.

and the chihuahuas are tuxedo dogs! [albeit with tan trimmings] it didn’t really dawn on me until you posted them all together like this.
.-= ´s last blog ..fizzickz lab =-.

3 Kryten42 { 07.17.09 at 5:11 am }

Yeah! Color coordinated pet’s! 😆 And they look like they are just waiting to get into trouble! 😀 I like pet’s with attitude and personality.

I bet they miss Andante too. Poor guys & gals. 🙁

4 jams O'Donnell { 07.17.09 at 8:48 am }

Ah what a beautiful bunch
.-= ´s last blog ..Ted =-.

5 Bryan { 07.17.09 at 8:14 pm }

Well, Trouble wasn’t quite a hundred pounds, Jill, but he could get lost in a phone booth.

Oh, yes, Hipparchia, only formal dining at Andante’s.

Bandit was well known as a guard dog, Kryten… well, he would bark before he hid.

The dogs, Jams, provided the movement that was sadly lacking with the cats.

6 Steve Bates { 07.17.09 at 9:38 pm }

(Sigh.) Thanks for the memories, Bryan.
.-= ´s last blog ..Friday Tail-Or-Two Blogging =-.

7 Bryan { 07.17.09 at 9:50 pm }

I’m just dealing with the loss, Steve.