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A General Question — Why Now?
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A General Question

How many more revelations will it take before District of Columbia officials declare 133 C Street a “disorderly house”?


1 cookie jill { 07.24.09 at 11:10 pm }

How long before they lose their “church” tax exempt status?
.-= ´s last blog ..Final vote on offshore drilling: 28-43 =-.

2 Bryan { 07.24.09 at 11:24 pm }

Jill, you don’t honestly believe that will ever happen?

The great thing about the Bible as a founding document is that you can justify everything, including genocide, if you select carefully.

3 Kryten42 { 07.24.09 at 11:53 pm }

The great thing about the Bible as a founding document is that you can justify everything, including genocide, if you select carefully.

Never a truer word was spoken. And as a sign I am serious about that, I won’t post a quotation, though I have several appropriate to that statement! 😉 I have my limits and standards also.

4 Bryan { 07.25.09 at 12:24 am }

There’s nothing like taking a real, university level course on the Bible at an old-line liberal arts university that is allied with a divinity school. It doesn’t occur to the professors to sugar-coat anything, because, if you train for the ministry someone is going to hit you with a question about something that was written, and you had better be able to deal with it.

5 cookie jill { 07.25.09 at 9:28 am }

I’m still waiting for folks to be stoned for eating shrimp.
.-= ´s last blog ..Final vote on offshore drilling: 28-43 =-.

6 Bryan { 07.25.09 at 11:17 am }

Well, down here I’ve seen more than a few people who were stoned and eating shrimp.

7 Steve Bates { 07.25.09 at 2:48 pm }

Arrrggh! Bryan, you beat me to it…
.-= ´s last blog ..How In Hell… I Mean, How In Texas… =-.

8 Bryan { 07.25.09 at 3:20 pm }

We must have been to the same parties, Steve.