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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

Table For One

Friday Cat Blogging


[Editor: Petrov does like the crowded conditions of eating with the other cats on the ground. He jumps up on the entrance to the “Dogloo” and I put a spoonful before him.]

Friday Ark


1 Steve Bates { 07.31.09 at 1:12 am }

Is a dogloo anything like an igloo? (Great pic.)
.-= ´s last blog ..Why I Cannot Stand Apple =-.

2 Steve Bates { 07.31.09 at 1:12 am }

Oh, I see… actually, it is! Silly me…
.-= ´s last blog ..Why I Cannot Stand Apple =-.

3 jams O\\\'Donnell { 07.31.09 at 2:38 am }

Ah a Ted-alike who eschews the common herd! Is he evil too Bryan?
.-= ´s last blog ..Ted is not impressed by Scottish comedian =-.

4 Bryan { 07.31.09 at 12:07 pm }

You got it, Steve, it is a formed plastic dog house shaped like an igloo, one of two that my Mother had me “rescue” from a roadside for use of the ferals.

He might be evil, Jams, if he ever develops the inertia to be anything other than a lump of a cat. The only “action” I ever see from him is the leap to the position you see in the late afternoon.

5 SSG { 07.31.09 at 2:20 pm }

The only “action” I ever see from him is the leap to the position you see in the late afternoon.

Must be related to my cat. 😉

Petrov is a handsome tuxedo boy, though.

6 Bryan { 07.31.09 at 4:56 pm }

Well, at least he isn’t under foot. I think he spends most of his time asleep under the house.

7 hipparchia { 08.01.09 at 12:04 am }

a cat of wealth and taste [or something]. definitely a cat of good looks.

ot, i’m putting off my medicare trust fund post until tomorrow night. after a wild evening of dancing in the streets blogs, the dog and i are going out to whataburger for cheese grits and bacon to celebrate.
.-= ´s last blog ..of Gods and Goddesses and single p[r]ayer health care =-.