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Up Is Down — Why Now?
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Up Is Down

It is unlikely that anyone along the Gulf Coast in 2005 will soon forget Michael Brown of “Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job” fame, and his tenure at FEMA. We were all bit taken aback when it was announced that Cold Creek Solutions had hired him as Vice President of Disaster Recovery Practice. They thought that they could get clients by offering advice from the world’s biggest disaster recovery screw-up?

So, I really shouldn’t have been surprised when I read today that Tony Hayward of the BP oiling of the Gulf has been hired as a “Safety Expert”.

It makes one wonder if doing your best is the way to succeed. Perhaps we should be telling children to fail disastrously? It worked for Brownie and Tony.


1 evil is evil { 05.11.11 at 11:47 pm }

Hell, you missed John Ashcroft, former Attorney General of the United States, in the CheneyRoveBushGonzalezRice gang. He was just hired as the “ethics” director for some filthy corporation that just paid huge fines (not as large as their profits) for illegal procedures.

2 Bryan { 05.12.11 at 8:11 pm }

I have to say that I don’t miss John “Can’t win an election against a corpse” Ashcroft even a little a bit. [rimshot 😉 ]

Actually his ethics are vary much in tune with the goals of most corporations, so it was a natural fit. He, personally, was never accused of ethical lapses, and he made very sure of that, so he is the kind of “expert” that the corporation wants – someone who knows how to avoid blame.