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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

Tonto’s Kitten

Friday Cat Blogging

Oh, hi!

[Editor: Tonto’s kitten made an unanticipated visit to my Mother’s kitchen, but didn’t go beyond the rug, as Tonto stood outside being annoyed. The kitten is still in the roly-poly stage at about 5 weeks when the picture was taken.]

Friday Ark


1 ellroon { 05.13.11 at 1:45 am }

Oh little kitty! I’d have a hard time not trying to grab it and give it loves…

2 Steve Bates { 05.13.11 at 7:54 am }

That’s one mighty cute kitten…

OT, it’s Friday morning, 8 AM, and Blogger is still bloggered. I’m beginning to feel as if I am in hurricane mode, except that the rest of the ‘net works OK.

3 Bryan { 05.13.11 at 9:28 am }

It didn’t appreciate being pushed out of the doorway, and I finally had to move it so it wouldn’t get stepped on. Tonto was not happy about that, but the kitten is too rotund to get much traction.

Usually if you approach, the kittens zip away, but as a single kitten not yet weaned, ‘zipping’ is in the future. There was bristling, hissing, and claw extension, but they weren’t terribly effective against the “work gloves of Doom”.

4 jams o donnell { 05.13.11 at 12:51 pm }

What a little sweetie.. even if it was of the back-arching, spitting and claws-out variety!

5 Bryan { 05.13.11 at 1:38 pm }

Jams, the body is to rotund to do a back-arch, but it tried anyway. It should have been happy that I didn’t just roll it away with the toe of my shoe, but I wanted it well away from the doorway so my Mother didn’t roll over it with her walker.

6 Steve Bates { 05.13.11 at 10:21 pm }

Avoiding kittens with a human’s walker can sometimes be a challenge. Worse still is a wheelchair.

In the days in which I was confined to a wheelchair, a very young Lily was fascinated with playing with it, most often by dashing in from the side, into the area directly underneath the seat. Of course the wheelchair occupant can’t see a thing down there.

One time Lily got herself tangled in the wheels and screamed bloody murder for about a full minute while I tried to find a way of determining what I should do to disentangle her. (In those days, my simply standing up out of the chair was not an option.) Not too surprisingly with all that screaming, mama Esther showed up, menacing me with yowls and extended claws.

Ultimately, no one was hurt… my good fortune; I’m pretty sure I’d have had to find a new place to live if Lily had been injured.

7 Steve Bates { 05.13.11 at 10:23 pm }

I really should edit before I post. “Avoiding kittens with a human’s walker”? That brings an interesting picture to mind… 😳

8 Bryan { 05.13.11 at 11:42 pm }

I remember the Lily vs the wheelchair incident. I’m concerned that my Mother would try to do something and end up falling, which is always bad for people in their 80s. She doesn’t need a walker for the normal reasons, it is more of a rolling chair if she gets short of breath, and gives her confidence as she was having dizzy spells a while back from a medication she was taking. She often has too much confidence and doesn’t lock the brakes when she bends over which could be very bad if she leans on it and it moves.

OT: I changed your main entry to the dot org URI, so it should work where ever you are.

9 oldwhitelady { 05.15.11 at 6:09 pm }

Aww! What a little cutie. I’d also pick that little furball up and try to pet it. I’m used to scratches:)

10 Bryan { 05.15.11 at 9:28 pm }

Well, this furball will supply your “maximum daily requirement” to the best of its ability [which still isn’t great]. The claws aren’t big enough to do more that leave marks without actually breaking the skin.