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They Have Opened Morganza — Why Now?
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They Have Opened Morganza

CNN reports that the diversion into the Atchafalaya River basin has begun: First bay of Louisiana spillway opens, in attempt to lower river level

Morganza, Louisiana (CNN) — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers opened the first of potentially several bays of the Morganza spillway on Saturday afternoon, a move intended to spare some areas from severe flooding while redirecting water into others.

[Colonel Ed] Fleming said that one or two other additional bays of the flood-control structure would likely be opened Sunday, and more gates could be opened later depending on water levels. The Corps could choose to let out as much as 600,000 cubic feet of water per second, with Saturday’s opening leading to the release of 10,000 cubic feet per second.

“As the river needs it, we’ll open it,” said Fleming, referring to the spillway’s bays.

This is easily a 100-year event, as nothing like it was seen in the 20th century, and may well be a 500-year event. It is to be hoped that nothing like it happens for at least another century.