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We Must Fulfill The Plan — Why Now?
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We Must Fulfill The Plan

Radiation symbol on Japanese flag

The BBC reports that Tepco halts Fukushima cooling plan

Japanese engineers have abandoned their latest attempt to stabilise a stricken reactor at the Fukushima nuclear plant.

The plant’s operator, Tepco, had intended to cool reactor 1 by filling the containment chamber with water.

But Tepco said melting fuel rods had created a hole in the chamber, allowing 3,000 tonnes of contaminated water to leak into the basement of the reactor building.

Tepco says it will come up with a new plan to stabilise the reactor by Tuesday.

Japanese broadcaster NHK said Tepco was now studying a plan to circulate water from the basement through a decontamination filter and back into the reactor.

The Japanese government is still claiming that the cold shutdown will take place in January. This despite the fact that TEPCO has no idea what needs to be done to cool these reactors.

Maybe it’s time to ask someone who knows what they are doing to help before TEPCO manages to make the entire Pacific Ocean a dead zone?


1 Kryten42 { 05.15.11 at 10:21 pm }

But… If TEPCO or the Japanese Gov ask for expert help, then it will become obvious that they are incompetent at best when the truth comes out (as it will eventually anyway). *shrug* It amazes me that the Nations affected by this disaster (and there are several) aren’t screaming for action (or blood). I guess ignorance and/or stupidity truly is/are the global common denominator.

2 Bryan { 05.15.11 at 11:48 pm }

I think it is very obvious that the Russians don’t intend to be nice about this, and the US shouldn’t be, although I expect that “No-drama” Obama doesn’t want to make any enemies. The US media has stopped covering it because there aren’t any good visuals as they don’t know how to do the necessary changes to their equipment to make the radioactivity visible.

TEPCO doesn’t know what to do. They have been given all of the tools necessary, but they don’t know what to do with them. The Japanese government still doesn’t seem to realize how serious a hole in a containment structure is, or how much radioactivity has already leaked. Some of their advisors have resigned because the government isn’t reacting properly.

Every time they admit some new problem, you just know they are hiding something worse.