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The Ignorant Will Always Be With Us — Why Now?
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The Ignorant Will Always Be With Us

The BBC reports that the ‘Rapture’ apocalypse prediction sparks atheist reaction

US atheists are to hold parties in response to an evangelical broadcaster’s prediction that Saturday will be “judgement day”.

The Rapture After Party in North Carolina – “the best damned party in NC” – is among the planned events.

Harold Camping, 89, predicts that Jesus Christ will return to earth on Saturday and true believers will be swept up, or “raptured”, to heaven.

He has used broadcasts and billboards to publicise his ideas.

He says biblical texts indicate that a giant earthquake on Saturday will mark the start of the world’s destruction, and that by 21 October all non-believers will be dead.

Mr Camping has predicted an apocalypse once before, in 1994, though followers now say that only referred to an intermediary stage.

On Sunday the followers will discover that it is a “twelve-step program’.

It is possible that it was already attempted but there weren’t 200 million suitable candidates, so it was called off.

Why would G*d schedule a major project for His only day off?


1 ellroon { 05.20.11 at 1:58 pm }

Camping is worth 72 million. Why would you send money to someone who says the world is going to end soon? I can’t see the logic… forget it.

There is no logic to this bizarre human desire to see the ending of the world. I’m just glad Camping doesn’t have access to the nuclear arsenal….

2 Bryan { 05.20.11 at 7:39 pm }

If you think the world is going to end soon, why would you ask for money?