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The Master of Disaster Is In — Why Now?
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The Master of Disaster Is In

The former governor of Minnesota, Tim Pawlenty, has thrown his tin-foil toque into the race to be the Republicant nominee for President in 2012. As Rook notes, that he released his video announcement on a day when there was a disaster in Minnesota is emblematic of his term as governor.

Other than being blander than distilled water, Mr. Pawlenty’s term as governor is best remembered for the Interstate 35W bridge collapse that resulted in the death of 5 people. Then-Governor Pawlenty vetoed a gas tax increase two years in a row prior to the collapse. The purpose of the increase was to have more money to repair roads and bridges.

Maybe T-Paw can convince Michael Brown to be his running mate.

Update: Via Badtux, check out where T-Paw’s hometown newspaper, St. Paul Pioneer Press, put his announcement. Well, it saves time and space, as they don’t have to run an editorial on it. [That’s got to hurt.]


1 Badtux { 05.23.11 at 6:51 pm }

EBM notes that the story on T-Paw’s candidacy declaration in his local paper was run on… the obituary page.

Yeah, pretty appropriate.

– Badtux the Outsnarked Penguin

2 Bryan { 05.23.11 at 8:01 pm }

Wow, that is so cruel – I love it!!!