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Dumber Than A Sack of Hammers — Why Now?
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Dumber Than A Sack of Hammers

Atrios noted that The Dead Already Pay For Medicaid, which is not precisely true, as in most states they require you to use up all of your assets before you can get on Medicaid for nursing home care, and will do their best to recover their outlays if any assets suddenly appear, like winning the lottery or inheriting money. They will also take proceeds from any insurance you have.

But that’s Medicaid, a Federal/state means-tested program for the poor.

He noted that the “founder” of Friday Cat Blogging has a truly stupid idea that displays an amazing level of ignorance about Medicare in a post titled: Why Not Let the Dead Pay for Medicare?

Medicare is a health insurance program. People have to pay the “premiums” for a minimum of 10 years to be eligible. If Medicare needs more money, the solution is the same as for any insurance program – raise the premium.

Medicaid comes out of the general fund and affects the national deficit. Medicare is paid for by “premiums” in the form of the FICA [note that the “I” stands for “insurance”] withholding taxes, and has nothing to do with the deficit.

Kevin Drum is no longer on my blogroll because he has gone off on these tangents of ignorance all too often.


1 Frederick { 05.26.11 at 11:45 pm }

Kevin Drum is no longer on my blogroll because he has gone off on these tangents of ignorance all too often.

Amen to that.

2 Bryan { 05.27.11 at 2:23 pm }

You wonder when someone will notice that he passed his level of competence two blogs ago.