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2012 July 09 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Isn’t Florida Lucky …

That we have a governor who came from the health care industry to help the state through the changes that are coming. He obviously knows a lot about Medicare and Medicaid to have had the largest fines in the history of the programs levied against his corporation for fraud.

It is possible that he turned down the Medicaid expansion, to avoid having any Florida plan rejected because of his history with the program.

Of course it would be nice if he and his minions would stop doing stupid things like this:

JACKSONVILLE —The CDC officer had a serious warning for Florida health officials in April: A tuberculosis outbreak in Jacksonville was one of the worst his group had investigated in 20 years. Linked to 13 deaths and 99 illnesses, including six children, it would require concerted action to stop.

That report had been penned on April 5, exactly nine days after Florida Gov. Rick Scott signed the bill that shrank the Department of Health and required the closure of the A.G. Holley State Hospital in Lantana, where tough tuberculosis cases have been treated for more than 60 years.

I’m sure the Fraudster-in-chief is already looking for a for-profit hospital to take over the TB care for no more than three times what it would have cost at the state hospital, because everyone knows how much more efficient the private sector is than the public sector … 😈

July 9, 2012   7 Comments

Le Tour – Stage 9

Tour de FranceArc-et-Senans to Besançon

Distance: 41.5 kilometers.

This stage is a pair of time trials, but with some hills to favor the stronger riders, rather than the pure sprinters.

Bradley Wiggins did it up right by holding on to the Yellow, winning the stage, and increasing his lead over Cadel Evans from 10 seconds to almost two minutes.

Tejay Van Gardeneren managed to win back the White by moving ahead of Rein Taaramae in the standings.

Yellow Jersey Bradley Wiggins ( GB – SKY – 101 ) [Yellow]
Green Jersey Peter Sagan (Svk-LIQ-057) [Green] 217 points
Polka Dot Jersey Fredrik Kessiakoff ( Swe – AST – 187 ) [Polka Dot] 21 points
White Jersey Tejay Van Garderen ( USA – BMC – 009 ) 8 [White]

Team: RadioShack-Nissan ( 011-019 ) [Yellow numbers]
Stage winner: Bradley Wiggins ( GB – SKY – 101 )
Combative: [Not awarded for time trials.]

Top Ten:

1 Bradley Wiggins ( GB – SKY – 101 )
2 Cadel Evans ( Aus – BMC – 001 ) + 01′ 53”
3 Christopher Froome ( GB – SKY – 105 ) + 02′ 07”
4 Vincenzo Nibali ( Ita – LIQ – 051 ) + 02′ 23”
5 Denis Menchov ( Rus – KAT – 131 ) + 03′ 02”
6 Haimar Zubeldia ( Esp – RNT – 019 ) + 03′ 19”
7 Maxime Monfort ( Bel – RNT – 016 ) + 04′ 23”
8 Tejay Van Garderen ( USA – BMC – 009 ) + 05′ 14”
9 Jurgen Van Den Broeck ( Bel – LTB – 111 ) + 05′ 20”
10 Nicolas Roche ( Irl – ALM – 079 ) + 05′ 29”

The Rest of the Top 50:

July 9, 2012   2 Comments