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Alito Must Be Stopped — Why Now?
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Alito Must Be Stopped

By now you know that Kerry is attempting to filibuster the nomination of Samuel Alito. I appreciate his efforts and wish him success because the nation does not deserve Alito on the Supreme Court.

Alito has a nice resumé, but he is totally around the bend on some of his ideas. People should understand that he doesn’t really believe in the right of privacy. He thinks the government should get involved in a lot of areas that are none of its business.

The man thinks that a Presidential signing statement has the relevance of legislative history in interpreting the law. He advocated the expanded use of signing statements to alter the meaning of the laws Congress passes. In the same vein, he believes in the Unitary Executive Theory which gives unchecked power to the President.

Republicans should be just as worried as Democrats about Alito. Have they forgotten what Bill Clinton did with the line item veto power? The Supreme Court saved the Republicans on that one, or Clinton would have eliminated all of their special projects.

The Harriet Miers nomination proved that Republicans don’t actually believe that every candidate deserves an “up or down” vote. There is no need to acquiesce to a Presidential nomination that could result is a major shift of power away from the Congress to the President.

Alito believes that the President is more important than the other branches, corporations are more important than people, and the government is more important than people. Are Senators really prepared for this radical a shift in the power structure? Alito isn’t a conservative; he’s a radical.