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Hopefully Warmer Tomorrow — Why Now?
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Hopefully Warmer Tomorrow

funny pictures of cats with captions


1 Kryten42 { 10.21.09 at 5:10 am }

LOL Nice pic! 😉

Was hot yesterday (for this time of year!) 30c! And forcast is for 17C Monday! Crazy… 😉

I was checking out a tech forum (that doesn’t have ANY spam control, so you can imagine what the threads look like!) A spam comment caught my eye, and I thought I’d post the link as it’s appropriate and one of you cat-owned people might find it useful! 😉

It’s a blog about cat litter! 😆 There really is a blog about everything!! 😉

This SHOULD be obvious… but it’s just posted for curiosity! DON’T go handing over credit card details! Or any details for that matter! Right? You’ve been warned. 😛


The things some people will do! *shaking head* 😆

2 Bryan { 10.21.09 at 12:58 pm }

I’m surprised you didn’t get kicked into moderation on that link… oh, that’s right, I cleaned out the local tags when I went with the spam plug-in.

Three days of cold, and today I get to open the doors, as seasonal norms have returned.

They seem to be keeping the fires in check, although the stock people have a problem feeding their animals. Lots of burned grazing land.

El Niño is definitely not good news for the Pacific and your weather.