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Did He Mean ‘Raptor’? — Why Now?
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Did He Mean ‘Raptor’?

Raptor F-22

Saturday is Armed Forces Day in the US. I wonder if they misheard someone talking about an F-22 Raptor coming to a local base and thought they said “Rapture”. I’ve made that mistake myself.

It is supposed to happen at 6PM local time on the 21st, so that would have occurring on the Kamchatka Peninsula at Midnight CDT, followed by New Zealand at 1AM CDT.

Probably because I’m suspicious by nature, it occurs to me that this would be a good time for a lot of fundies to disappear with the church treasury and have the congregation accept that they were “raptured”.


1 Badtux { 05.21.11 at 11:05 am }

Y’know, I thought I remembered a similar prediction from a right wing figure sometime back when I was young(er). And sure ’nuff, Harold Camping also predicted the Rapture in 1994. I guess he figures that 20 years have passed, so it’s time to try the scam again ’cause folks will have forgotten…

I’m still here, BTW. And apparently so is everybody in New Zealand and Australia, though they’re all heathen so who would know? ;).

2 Bryan { 05.21.11 at 12:03 pm }

Well, if you are going to do something Biblical it should start in the Middle East, and there is no current seismic activity although it is after 7pm from Greece to the East.

Too bad, I was going to grab the local fundie church for a performance space and tavern. It’s all set up as a recording studio, and they do live broadcasts to the local cable access channel. I figured on featuring local bands and running second run movies. It would be a return to my American roots – my Dutch ancestors built taverns along the Mohawk River as they sold off their patent from the Dutch colonial government. No churches built until after the Revolution when the English-speaking riff-raff from Massachusetts arrived with their language and religious fixation.

The church’s two story school building could be rehabbed into a long-term homeless shelter, and there are two playgrounds for kids. Those people just never cooperate.

Of course, it is possible that Heaven decided they needed a new playlist and changed their format by rapturing Buddhists, Hindus, and Sufis, but the media wouldn’t tell us. 😉

3 hipparchia { 05.21.11 at 9:52 pm }

No churches built until after the Revolution when the English-speaking riff-raff from Massachusetts arrived with their language and religious fixation.

i’ve often wished i’d been born in england’s former penal colony, instead of their former religious nut colony.

4 Bryan { 05.21.11 at 10:20 pm }

Yep, Britain used the US as a dumping ground for annoying religious groups of all kinds, and even helped some European religious groups to get to the colonies.