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The Crickets Chirp — Why Now?
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The Crickets Chirp

All during the debates over the various provisions of the USA PATRIOT act, and other attacks on the Constitutional protections of Americans in the furtherance of the re-election of the Shrubbery War on Terror™, the constant refrain from the so-called conservatives was “if you are innocent you have nothing to fear.”

Now Congress wants to ask questions about some dodgy personal practices at the Department of Justice and the involvement of the White House, and there are no voices on the right wondering why the White House won’t comply with Congressional requests. Hey, “if you are innocent you have nothing to fear.”

What’s the problem? Congress still recognizes the Constitutional protections. They aren’t going to tap the White House phones without a warrant. No one’s going to be subjected to isolation or water boarding. They are not going to be kidnapped and sent to countries that believe boiling improves the memory. Witnesses get to have counsel; they can claim the right against self incrimination; all of those archaic notions are in full effect.

What is the problem with public employees being required to answer questions from the elected representatives of the public on the record and under penalty of perjury? It happens to everyone who shows up for jury duty.


1 Anntichrist S. Coulter { 03.22.07 at 11:39 pm }

Is it just me, or doesn’t it seem like Dumbya’s purposeful usurping of the Constitution and the division of power ought to rate at least ONE major trial on TREASON CHARGES???

And what in the hell has taken this long?

2 Bryan { 03.23.07 at 12:12 am }

Welcome, Annti. There’s always room for hurricane survivors.

Those of us who live along the Gulf Coast tend to be a little bit more annoyed with these people than the rest of the nation, and have had a taste of what is happening to civilians in Iraq. We know how truly screwed up these people are and how little they care for anyone outside of their small circle of friends.

If I weren’t a man of principle, I might consider how effective the techniques used in “24” are in eliciting information, or put them in a FEMA trailer on Perdio Key with a cat-5 in the Gulf and see what they can remember.

They should be impeached, indicted and tried. Then, and only then, we can go Old Testament with a public stoning.

3 BadTux { 03.23.07 at 4:40 pm }

Trial. Conviction. Rope.

Da Fixer has dat order right, cher!

– Badtux the Louisiana Penguin

4 Bryan { 03.23.07 at 5:47 pm }

It should end in the parishes. They can be part of a levee foundation.

5 Anntichrist S. Coulter { 03.23.07 at 8:55 pm }

Hmmm… I like that idea.

Can we add Karl to the foundation FIRST?

Then Bar Bush, then Poppy, then Rummy, then Brownie, then Biggus Dickus, then Dumbya (gotta use the lightest-weighted materials near the top, right?), then… Chertoff!

Think of the money that we’d save on dirt and sand…

BTW, if it matters, I wasn’t in NOLA for Katrina. I just did what I could from where I was, up here in Redneck Hell-Hole.

6 Bryan { 03.23.07 at 10:57 pm }

I know where you were and what you did, Annti. I followed your progress over at Blondsense while my neighbors and I loaded a truck for the little towns in Mississippi from the Western tip of the Florida Panhandle. We have to help each other because this group of clowns can’t.

The unit that opened the New Orleans airport took off three miles from my house, and sat around waiting to be permitted to go as soon as the hurricane moved inland. I’m surrounded by the largest Air Force Base in the world with thousands of people who were anxious to help, but they couldn’t get permission.

These people need to be stopped.