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Happy Canada Day — Why Now?
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Happy Canada Day

La fête du


Thank you for not yet building a fence along your southern or western border, and for brewing great beer.

Schedule of Ottawa events and some background.

As noted, Toronto has scaled back its celebrations.


1 Jack K., the Grumpy Forester { 07.01.09 at 12:31 am }

…while I’ve never personally experienced it, I am told we are also supposed to be grateful for Tim Hortons. Living in a place where Dairy Queen is cutting edge and McDonald’s (or Burger King or Carls Juniors) is a dreamy mirage found somewhere down the road, I don’t get that bit…

Happy Canada Day, anyway…

2 Bryan { 07.01.09 at 11:50 am }

Actually, I like Tim Horton’s coffee better than most fast food places and the donuts aren’t bad, but then I lived along the Canadian border and you could once go back and forth without a hassle. Heading across to get a couple of cases of Molson’s Golden Ale [I think they call it Export these days] for a party was a normal weekend event.

They closed the nearest Dairy Queen, which was a regular stop in the summer, and you can’t get ice cream of any kind without going to a grocery store. This is a very weird place I live – a resort area without hot dogs or ice cream.

3 Comrade Kevin { 07.01.09 at 4:25 pm }

They could build it along the Eastern Border, to keep out those damned fishermen.
.-= ´s last blog ..Good Intentions, Bad Outcomes =-.

4 Bryan { 07.01.09 at 5:24 pm }

The biggest problem with building any fence would be finding out where the border actually is. It has been a very long time since it was important, so it isn’t exactly clearly delineated outside of a few towns that straddle the border.

5 cookie jill { 07.02.09 at 12:57 am }

One of the best blogs I recall many years ago was one that was a snarky Canadian one detailing how they were going to invade the US and divvy up the new territories and naming them after various beers. It was a hoot, eh. I think most of California turned into South Molson.
.-= ´s last blog ..Support Your Local Independent Day is July 3rd =-.

6 cookie jill { 07.02.09 at 12:58 am }

(make mental note…don’t drink a glass of wine before commenting on other’s blogs…makes for odd phrase-iology and such…)
.-= ´s last blog ..Support Your Local Independent Day is July 3rd =-.

7 Bryan { 07.02.09 at 2:16 pm }

Well, one really should be drinking beer to comment on Canada.

If it was South Molson I might have stayed.

It’s on the verge of becoming Western Zimbabwe with Arnold Schwartznegger starring as Conan the Bankrupt Barbarian.