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And Now, For Something Completely Different — Why Now?
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And Now, For Something Completely Different

humorous pictures

Update: Hipparchia has located A Shrubbery


1 hipparchia { 04.01.08 at 11:35 pm }


2 Bryan { 04.02.08 at 12:13 am }


3 Steve Bates { 04.02.08 at 2:49 am }

Next you’ll be invoking the knights who say “NIE.” Oh, wait, that isn’t going to be made public, is it…

4 Bryan { 04.02.08 at 12:17 pm }

I didn’t invoke anything – I’m fully incognizant of the power of name magick.

5 LadyMin { 04.02.08 at 3:49 pm }

Ooooowwwww …… I needed a laugh! 😀

6 Bryan { 04.02.08 at 4:14 pm }

Only a fool gets serious on the first of April.

7 ellroon { 04.03.08 at 10:09 am }

The cat is really saying, “One laugh outta you, buster…”

8 Bryan { 04.03.08 at 11:18 am }

The that amazes me about these pictures is the way the clean up all of the blood spilled by the human who puts these things on a cat.

9 Moi { 04.04.08 at 7:27 pm }

One that looks nice, but not too expensive. 😉

How did they get the bag on the cat’s head??? That is the Real Question…

10 Bryan { 04.04.08 at 8:11 pm }

How did they take the picture with all of the bandages after putting the bag on the cat’s head?